BioShock 2 Paper Foldables
The Zombie Nation Webcomic - The zombie nation is a funny webcomic following zombie slackers during the zombie apocalypse. I loves me some Bioshock, but when I’m not online bashing some poor splicer in...
View ArticleMy First Papercraft Zombie
The Zombie Nation Webcomic - The zombie nation is a funny webcomic following zombie slackers during the zombie apocalypse. Cutest Little Papercraft Zombie Ever.. He eats your brain with love. Just for...
View ArticleMy Papercraft Zombies of DOOM!
The Zombie Nation Webcomic - The zombie nation is a funny webcomic following zombie slackers during the zombie apocalypse. Because I love you all so much… yes in that creepy kind of way. I made a new...
View ArticlePapercraft Zombies : Hazmat Suit Harold!
The Zombie Nation Webcomic - The zombie nation is a funny webcomic following zombie slackers during the zombie apocalypse. Papercraft Zombies are fun and I haven’t done one in a while. This is Hazmat...
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